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Social Value 

Corporate social responsibility is important to Audit Yorkshire as an NHS organisation and we are committed to ensuring we have both ethical and sustainable business practises. Our Corporate Social Responsibility statement is:

Audit Yorkshire strives to operate as a socially responsible employer who goes beyond statutory obligations to promote sustainable business practices, benefit our core NHS partners and the wider community and create an inclusive and positive work environment.

We are committed to integrating social and environmental concerns into our business operations and this will be demonstrated through our strategy and corporate policies and procedures. Making a proactive contribution to our NHS Partners, communities and wider society aligns with our values and our approach will encompass volunteering, charitable and environmental initiatives.

Many aspects around how we as Audit Yorkshire can act in a corporate socially responsible manner are directly influenced by our host Trust. As employees of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust we adhere to the Trust’s visions, values, policies and procedures.

We also have a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy in place which sets out what both our host Trust and Audit Yorkshire are already doing and outlines future commitments in respect of four building blocks of Corporate Social Responsibility

Carbon reduction targets – Net zero emissions by 2045

Audit Yorkshire, along with the rest of the NHS, is committed to reducing emissions we directly control to net zero emissions by 2040 and to reducing emissions we can influence, but can’t directly control, to net zero emissions by 2045.

Audit Yorkshire started measuring the carbon emissions it produces in 2019/20. This baseline measurement identified that our largest source of carbon emissions was staff commuting and business travel. The Covid pandemic in 2020 and the shift to home working and teleconferencing led to a 88% reduction in the amount of CO2 we produced.

Even though the travel restrictions introduced by Covid have been lifted, we are committed to keeping our CO2 emissions low and making the best use of the new ways of working. In the future, increasing use of green forms of transport, such as electric cars, will help Audit Yorkshire achieve its ambition of net zero carbon emissions. We are proud to play our part in addressing climate change and in reducing our environment impact.

Click on this link to see our 2022/23 PPN-0621 Carbon Reduction Plan (Sept 2023)

Click on this link to see our 2020/21 PPN 06/21 Carbon Reduction Plan.

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