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The counter fraud service provided by Audit Yorkshire is first class. Our Local Counter Fraud Officer is always available and responsive and keeps me up fully up to date with on-going and new investigations. Their proactive support is really valued and appreciated within our organisation.


At the core of our counter fraud work, we adopt a risk-based approach by considering all reliable information and intelligence obtained from a wide variety of sources, which considers local, regional, and national counter fraud activity. This informs and assists in directing resources and attention to the potential fraud risks faced by our client organisations. This enables us to provide a high standard of service and achieve consistent and quality outcomes and assurances for all our clients.

We have an experienced team of accredited Local Counter Fraud Specialists and a Local Security Management Specialist, who possess a wealth of experience in investigative work and in delivering quality anti-crime services to NHS organisations. The team develop close working relationships within our client organisations in order to ensure they are compliant with the Cabinet Office’s Government Functional Standard GovS 013: Counter Fraud (Functional Standard). This underpins and supports a robust counter fraud strategy and an embedded counter fraud culture at all our clients. With the continual threat of fraud that all organisations face, we deliver actions designed to prevent fraud and create a counter fraud environment by conducting work in the following areas:

Fraud Prevention

We believe that the most effective approach to tackle fraud and corruption is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This is reflected in the proactive work undertaken at all of our clients by our Counter Fraud Team.

We ensure that proactive work is tailored to each client’s requirements, but common aims include:

  • Ensuring that control and management weaknesses exploited by fraudsters are addressed and loopholes closed to future attempts.
  • Supporting each organisation to embed a strong counter-fraud culture, by ensuring staff are aware of how to report suspicions of fraud and to provide them with a greater understanding of the fraud risks that exist in their organisation.
  • Utilising a variety of communication outlets i.e. anti-crime newsletters, bespoke presentations, participation in the International Fraud Awareness Week to make staff aware of the potential consequences of defrauding the NHS.
  • Introducing Counter Fraud Policies and Protocols and fraud-proofing relevant organisational policies.
  • We continually adapt and develop innovative methods of promoting and informing staff at client organisations of the work carried out by our counter fraud team. The introduction of the Counter Fraud Masterclasses, which focus on specific fraud areas that are available for staff at all our clients has been a huge success.

Fraud Detection

As well as focusing on preventing fraud, we use data analysis software to undertake proactive fraud detection exercises. The software has assisted in identifying many instances where staff have submitted duplicate or overlapping claims for Trust and bank work. The software also identified over £200k of duplicate and erroneous invoice payments.

Reactive Fraud Work

To ensure that fraud referrals and investigations are dealt with swiftly and effectively, we employ a number of accredited Local Counter Fraud Specialists and a Local Security Management Specialist. Professionally led investigations are conducted in accordance with the NHS Fraud and Corruption Manual in order to deliver best outcomes for our clients.


If you have an enquiry regarding our Counter Fraud Services please send an email to

How do I report a suspicion of fraud?

Should you have a suspicion of fraud regarding one of our client organisations it is important that it is reported to our Counter Fraud Team. Please do not investigate this matter yourself as this may potentially jeopardise any investigation into the matter. Please complete a referral form 

The counter fraud service provided by Audit Yorkshire is first class. Our Local Counter Fraud Officer is always available and responsive and keeps me up fully up to date with on-going and new investigations. Their proactive support is really valued and appreciated within our organisation.